To Thrive Again in a World Fragmented by Cultural Clashes
Nuggets from Cultural Sensitivity Summit at Humanity Rising
Today I presented “What If We See Culture as Trees - A Holistic Approach to Cultural Awareness” at Humanity Rising. You may watch the recording here. Here are some nuggets from today’s program.
[For most of us who are watching from afar], the intensity of the war and violence in Gaza happens within our nervous system. Notice how we react to external events and become aware of our internal reactive emotions. These emotions will lead to the inner chambers of our psyche, where we may discover the part of ourselves who is the soldier, and the part of ourselves who is a wounded child.
Our internal psyche is just as fragmented as the outer world. One part of us is insulated from another, or even attacking another part, without us being conscious of it. By doing our inner work to heal ourselves, through paying attention to the “micro-conflicts” arising in relationships around us, we are also affecting the outer world, because the world is that much inter-connected. One butterfly’s wing flap is connected with the hurricane a thousand miles away.
We can have our most well-meaning intention, and still cause harm onto another person, because we all carry different value systems and internal cultures. It takes tremendous patience, deep listening and openness to really attune to each other in a truly mutual relationship. It also means that we need to accept that we will make mistakes, and strive to develop skills to repair the harm.
We have to transform the toxicities stored in our liver, kidney and other organs, so we can open our internal territory to the power of compassion. Only then can we have true compassion for ourselves and for others. Inner transformation must happen on such a ‘flesh’ level in order to be ‘real’. (This nugget is distilled from the discussions of the AfterChat.)
I-Culture, the more individual-oriented culture, and We-Culture, the more collective-oriented cultures, they are just like different “trees” in the larger ecosystems. One is not better than another. When we can accept the gifts and responsibilities of carrying each, choose where to put our emphasis based on what’s being presented to us, we are evolving toward wholeness.
There will be two more programs on Mar 14 and Mar 15. You may register here to log in through Zoom webinar and participate in the live chat. When you register, you will also receive a link to attend AfterChat, where there are lively discussions.
as in the inner so in the outer 💕🙏